News, Views
& Stories
04 January 2023
Accessing a psychologist under the NDIS
Eligibility for psychology services under the NDIS
The NDIS doesn’t fund the actual treatment of a mental health condi...
15 December 2022
Getting the most out of your NDIS budget
While having your NDIS plan signed, sealed and delivered should be a huge relief, the prospect of juggling a budget can ...
05 December 2022
Five ways to plan for the summer holidays
The summer period can be a busy time with end of year events, family visits and holiday time. Here are our five top tips...
21 November 2022
Care Squared Connect launches Care for Carers
Caring for a loved one is a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging, especially if you have found yourself ...
04 November 2022
Get The Most Out of School Holidays
Make the summer holidays count by joining Care Squared Connect’s allied health and creative therapies intensive School...
01 November 2022
Does the NDIS fund allied health services?
Allied health professionals actually form one of the largest groups of registered providers delivering therapeutic suppo...
19 October 2022
Who cares for the carer?
When you’re pouring all your physical and emotional energy into caring for a loved one, your own needs can quietly sli...
27 September 2022
Meet Kelly Winwood-Lanham, provisional psychologist with Humanity Health Group
Kelly Winwood-Lanham is a provisional psychologist with Humanity Health Group across Care Squared and Back2Work. To expa...
31 August 2022
What do exercise physiologists do?
Exercise physiology is all about delivering safe and effective movement and exercise programs for people who want to imp...
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